The film is a magical art form, which can fly your imagination Over the Rainbow and Sky. And we are here to celebrate those magicians who are showing their magic on the Silver screen with their Wings of Fire. We are the Silver-Wings International Film Festival.

The Cultural Capital of India (Kolkata) is the place, where SWIFF is going to be held every two months with a live screening and one yearly Grand Film Gala Event. This bi-monthly screening will take place at the Kutchina Foundation Hall, located at Kolkata City of Joy. 


Mission/Goal : The SWIFF is an initiative to honour world films and praise wings of filmmakers. In another sentence, we are trying to shape an international platform for upcoming filmmakers. Not only that, this voyaging will provide opportunities to appreciate cross-culture through films and to create a professional network of Filmmakers, Film lovers, Film activists, Film buyers, Influencers, and different film agencies. 


SWIFF is celebrating more than 50 different competitive film categories including Photography and Script writing. Our honourable Jury members will select and award at least one film per category every season. Every bi-monthly winning film is automatically qualified for the annual screening list and will be nominated for our prestigious “Silver-Wings” award. The annual gala event will occur in the presence of film personalities and celebrities on a glamorous Red-carpet premiere with the press conference. This is a golden opportunity for every participant to unveil their ideas, share ideologies, and exchange values for film, or silver screen movements. The winners will have a chance to meet with the audience and participate in Q&A after the screening.